Can you still MAKE MONEY OnlyFans 2023? Onlyfans advice | onlyfans tips and tricks

By | August 14, 2022


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Can you still make money on only fans Today so what is going on guys welcome To my exclusive only fans advice Youtube channel and i am giving up to Date advice seeing that a lot of my Other videos are about a year or two old So before we get into it please make Sure you like and you subscribe this is An absolutely brand new channel so Definitely want to get it out there guys And if you are on this video because you Have not taken the plunge yet and opened Up an only fans account if you use my Referral link down below to sign up you Will get my ultimate self promo cheat Sheet for free hit me up on instagram Rule of mind body life let me know that You use my code but don’t worry if you Signed up you can still get it i just Lowered the price from 20 to 15 that is A lifetime discount how you can still Make money now to answer the question You absolutely can and that is why i’m Jumping straight into the content Because you absolutely can still make Money and the number one way you can Make money on only fans is through Twitter guys okay Now twitter Is the number one way that you can Because they allow for um Any type of content to be on the Platform guys all right so you are Allowed to share content that on

Instagram would be flagged and taken Down and would go against community Guidelines possibly get your account Suspended um so on twitter you are Allowed to share content that you would Not really be able to share on other Platforms so that is why twitter is just Such an amazing um Platform to get yourself out there for Your only fans okay Now there is a few things that you need To make sure that you are doing on Twitter number one make sure that Obviously you you know you have in your Bio that you are on only fans meet you Know a little skit or a little tidbit i Guess you could say of possibly what Your content is about you know what You’re about or something along those Lines or just at least juice yourself up A little bit right like for myself i Have like curvy tatted colorful you know Greek goddess right I think that sums me up pretty well so Something along those lines where you Know you hype yourself up you do have to Market yourself guys right You’re also going to make sure that you Have your link correctly in your bio it Doesn’t matter how much you get yourself Out there but if you are not using your Correct link you will not grow on these Platforms so make sure your bio is Catchy make sure you have the correct

Link now also another disclaimer with Your profile pictures on twitter okay They cannot be too risque okay not your Profile picture not even your banner Okay and i learned this the hard way And it’s not and i had to again Learn that the hard way and i ended up Getting a warning so make sure that your Profile picture and your banner picture Are obviously very enticing um but more Like a headshot would be better for your Profile picture than uh trying to post Anything more risque and then you’re Better it could be something cute like Along the pool side but make sure that It’s i think this is landscape you know At this point in the game i should know The difference But make sure it’s width wise guys just How your only fan’s banner is with wise Right So that is a little piece of advice now With twitter you need to make sure you Are networking guys okay you cannot just Go on the platform and just kind of post A few tweets and then say oh the Platform is absolutely not working for Me it doesn’t work that way you guys Have to consistently promote yourself Get yourself out there and be on all of These platforms okay So with twitter you do need to network Yourself a great way to do that go on to The only fans twitter page and just

Start finding some other models um that You can kind of just talk to network With it would be great if the models Looked like you so that way you know That like their fans and their followers And the commenters on their posts are Interested in basically the same type of Demographic or niche that you’re in you Just basically cut out the middleman and You go straight for people that are Already interested in someone like Yourself that is A number one piece of advice that i give On every platform on every single video That i’ve made because it absolutely Works okay now Don’t be spammy do not be stepping on Toes do not be trying to steal fans or Followers you have to obviously do this In a way where everyone can play Together nicely right i’m not condoning You doing any type of spammy practices But you need to get yourself out there The other number one thing about twitter That once i stopped doing this i Actually had more growth and that was Not using hashtags guys okay Right now hashtags are so saturated and If you are not using the correct Hashtags like Doing actual hashtag research and you Are just picking random hashtags a lot Of the times you are actually hurting Your content hurting your post and

Hurting your page more than helping it The thing about twitter is that it is Actually a very smart platform so if you Put in your caption i’ll just use myself Again Colorful tatted curvy greek goddess Right um on only fans 50 off right now Something along those lines twitter is Going to actually pick up specific what We call keywords In the in my caption that they are going To know basically where to place my Content and in front of who they should Place my content so twitter is very Smart like this to where you don’t even Need to go crazy trying to find Um the perfect hashtags as long as you Are basically just giving a nicer Description in your caption You’ll be fine guys and honestly once i Stopped using hashtags is when i Absolutely saw a crazier amount of Growth now you also want to make sure That you’re sharing other people’s Content so that way they can share yours That is called retweeting now i do Understand that a lot of you um just Don’t understand specific platforms Sometimes it just doesn’t click for you Guys right i know it’s happened to me Before i do have twitter page management Services you could either get a weekly Um 14 days or a full month this is an Investment guys so it’s you know it’s

Something that you would have to invest In but only fans is a business okay and You have to look at it like that but a Lot of my clients we have been able to Grow their accounts so much where now They are getting paid to do shout outs For other girls so not only is only fans Your business but if you turn twitter Into your business as well you can end Up making money off of your page as soon As we are able to grow it um to a Sufficient amount so always keep that in Mind but before you get to that end goal If you just need help managing your page And growing it we could definitely do That hit me up on ig at rule of mind Body life so the next um one that i want To talk about is reddit guys okay so Reddit just like twitter You are allowed to put your spicy Content up there okay Now you still have to follow certain Rules and regulations and guidelines It’s not like you can post some Crazy-ass stuff that is almost illegal Okay uh i you know i’m keeping this Video pg so i’m not going to get into it But i think you should grasp my concept It should still be of you know normal I guess spicy content again i can’t get Too deep into it but um you could still Post Your spicy content on there okay guys so This is why it’s another great um

Platform to get on to but the thing with Reddit if you are absolutely brand new With reddit you need to understand that With reddit it’s not like every other Platform where you could just like go Onto the platform go crazy start posting Everywhere and anything you cannot do That okay so reddit is um based on a Point system they call them karmas okay And this point system is basically every Time that you post you interact with Another um You know another follower another Follower another um i guess you would Call it a follower another content Creator there you go but even when you Um interact with followers and Commenters on posts for another model uh That is how you build up your karmas Okay so not everywhere on the platform You’re going to be able to post onto Until you get your karma’s up okay guys So you do need to um think about that But the way reddit works is that Basically what um you know we would Think of like specific pages or whatever They call them subreddits okay so they Have like these groups these huge groups Subreddits where you can join and get Into and you can start posting your Content in front of their million of you Know million uh group members a thousand Group members ten thousand group members But each one of these subreddits has

Rules guys so you need to read Everything because a lot of the times These bigger pages if you do not have Enough karmas if you do not have enough Point systems um you will points you Will not be able to post On their um in their group okay so if You are like super super newbie my Recommendation is there is tons of only Fans subreddits and a lot of only fans Promo subreddits that let you post no Matter what your karmas are and these Are um these pages are great to get into In the beginning so you can get your Karma’s up you can start building some Traction on to the p on to the website Excuse me but again you’re gonna do the Same thing make sure your only fans list Your only fans link is in your bio make Sure that you you know have in your bio That your only fans model your profile Picture um you know can be and your Banner can be a little bit more spicier If you want it to be on reddit so if That’s something you want to do Definitely do that and then also they Have social buttons on reddit and only Fans actually is on their social button So definitely put your only fans uh link There as well why not just Plaster it everywhere you can and then a Lot of the times um in certain groups in Certain subreddits they will not let you Put your direct only fans link in the

Caption a lot of the times you will have To comment on your own post And um put your link in the comment in The post so again make sure that you are Reading um each group rule but Reddit is definitely a very good way to Go Let’s go to the next one now make sure You stay all the way to the end because I do have a lot of information here i am Like oh no this is going to be a long Video Um Oh and then one more thing i want to say About reddit so with reddit it’s the Same thing with twitter okay so if you Can start finding some girls in some of These subreddits that are the same Demographic as you let’s say you’re a Redhead and you find um a model on one Of these subreddits that always gets a Lot a lot of upvotes upvotes is Basically like likes on reddit they get A lot of upvotes or they’re getting a Lot of comments on their posts and again They’re in the same demographics as you That is a great opportunity for you to Try to Network with the people inside those Comments because if they’re interested In her and she’s a redhead they’ll be Interested in you most likely and then On top of it if you could try to network With her a lot of the times on reddit

A lot of these models actually end up Having groups as well like private dm Groups if you can get into one of those That will absolutely skyrocket your Growth and a lot of the times there’s a Lot of fans and followers in those Groups and that will help you grow your Only fans as well okay Still cannot get the hang of reddit i Also have reddit page management Services guys so still find me on Instagram because i can honestly help You in so many different ways grow your Only fans page grow your following Organically so you can make money and Get paid subs so again find me on Instagram at rule of mine body life So the next way is through my coaching Services guys okay so if you are an Absolute newbie you have to understand That there is a specific way specific Yes i said that right specific way to Run your page manage your page know how To post your content the the messages That you should be sending out how to Sell and how to speak with your fans so You can make the most out of the current Fans that you have right now and out of Your page there’s also a specific way That you should have everything set up From start to finish on your page and That’s what my coaching services goes Over okay um you know i always say this But only fans isn’t just like a little

Glorified uh instagram where it’s like Sure i could post a few pictures and you Know i’ll make money off the Subscription price and that’s it there Is so much more to only fans than just That and that is how i have been able to Make so much money on the platform it’s Not just from you know your 5 10 or 15 Subscription that you’re going to get From your fans it’s everything else that You do on the actual platform that is Going to make you money And the way you can find all that out is Through my coaching services so Definitely find me on instagram at rule Of mind body life again it’s a business You have to invest you have to educate Yourself But it can work if you work for it okay It can work for you if you work for it But please comment down below if you Have any questions if you have any Questions you can find me on instagram At rule of mine body life i literally Answer everybody might not be today but If you are not a troll i’m just trying To waste my time i do answer everybody Guys okay so reach out to me if you have Any questions like share subscribe and i Will see you soon bye

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